
Energy Efficient Outdoor Products

Luci Lux


Luci Candle


Luci Color


Luci Outdoor 2.0


Luci Original




Luci Lux Pro: Mobile


2 Pack - Luci Color


6 Pack - Luci Outdoor 2.0


6 Pack - Luci Original


4 Pack - Luci Outdoor 2.0


4 Pack - Luci Lux


6 Pack - Luci Lux


4 Pack - Luci EMRG


6 Pack - Luci EMRG


4 Pack - Luci Candle


6 Pack - Luci Candle


Luci​ Core


Luci Explore


You can save energy in every area of your home, including your yard. Green outdoor products help you put natural, renewable resources such as rainfall and sunshine to good use in your yard.

Eco friendly outdoor products can be used all around the outside of your home. Motion detectors and timers can be paired with outdoor lighting fixtures to help you use less electricity by only turning the lights on when you need them.

Transform your outdoor living space today by updating it with products that will allow you to save money and help the environment!